All season trips

  • Pic-Nic mills

    Trip provided for beginners and experienced riders.

    Camp Dvor

    Lasting: 4h

    Minimum: 4 persons

    Trip provided for beginners and experienced riders.


    Riding towards Rakalj where we head down to the old mills placed on the coast of Adriatic sea, 1 mile away from the confluence of river Raša. We are sightseeing the water game which is breaking through century old mills. Pic-Nic in the mills. Returning in the direction of the cove „Blaz“ well known for the Legend of king Tomislav. According to the legend, the crown was hidden in the cove in 10-th century.

  • Barban

    Trip provided for experienced riders.

    Camp Dvor

    Minimum: 4 persons

    Trip provided for experienced riders.


    Start from the Ranch and riding towards a small Istrian town – Barban. We are sightseeing the town on horses and visiting the famous arena known for every years famous knight game „Trka na Prstenac“. Break with lunch. Returning to the ranch and visiting traditional Istrian houses.

  • Hauser path

    For experienced riders

    Camp Dvor

    Lasting: 9:00-17:00h

    For experienced riders


    Start on the ranch to the village-Rakalj. Heading down to the Hauser track with a beautiful view on bay Raša. Riding on the 5km Hauser track along the sea we are heading to St. Mikula. Lunch with exclusively fish menu. Riding next ,to the St. Agneza Church with a beautiful view on Adriatic Sea.

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Hauser path

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