Ranch at our camp

Horseback riding excursions
For every season, we provide attractive and adventurous rides with start and end point at our ranch near the campsite

About our ranch
A long family tradition in horseback riding and a true love for those noble, beautiful animals lead to creation of our ranch. Taking care of our stable and treating the animals as friends and lovely companions is our everyday duty that we do with love and devotion. We are blessed with outstanding natural surroundings where one can truly enjoy spending time with animals, getting a truly specific feeling of well-being. First came the ranch, and the next step is a campsite - going hand-by-hand in wonderful harmony.

Therapeutic riding
Throughout the course of history, humans and horses have had a close relationship. Thus, for people with emotional and mental challenges or physical disabilities - especially children - interaction with horses can be beneficial for therapeutic reasons. Therapeutic horseback riding involves actually learning to ride a horse. With this type of therapy the horse is used as a tool for treatment, and this type of therapy offers numerous benefits, as well as high motivation and a growing feeling of well-being.